The latest total population of Catarman, Northern Samar as per data posted in is 94,037 with household of 17,491. The urban area is composed of 22 barangays with population of 51,658 and the rural area of 33 barangays has a population of 42,379. For this given population, the population density for 2015 is 2.02 person per hectare, and therefore will mean that Catarman is not yet populated. The average household size is 5.38. Based on NSO record for 2010-2015, the municipality has a growth rate of ____% and projected to have population of ____________ by 2020.

            Based on the data given regarding census of population from 2007-2015, the population of Catarman is rapidly increasing from 81,067 in 2007 to 94037 in 2015. Catarman, being the provincial capital, is continuously growing as the center of urban development in the province of Northern Samar.